COR Blog

The Cents of Responsibility Blog. It's a spot for articles, reviews, answers, musings and more. But more than that, it's a gathering spot for so many of the ideas that come from the COR methodology to help parents raise their kids into money savvy, financially literate adults. 

Have a topic you'd like to see here? Let us know! After all, this blog is merely an extension of the parent community we're working so hard to cultivate for you and your family. 

Onward and upward,

-Julie & Alec

The Silver Lining On A Broken Mirror all ages hard lessons spend save invest donate

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

Unexpected events happen all the time that impact us financially.

Case in point … One Sunday morning back in 2014, I walked into my kitchen...

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Allowance vs. Ellowance allowance debit card elementary-aged middle school-aged

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

Allowance. It needs no introduction. We all know what that is. And since you’re already on this website, you have some ideas about why...

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John and The Broken RC Plane all ages allowance hard lessons spend save invest donate

By Julie Frans, Chief Community Officer

I know saving money can be challenging for kids, but since I really started on the COR path earlier this year, I've definitely found it...

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How Will Your Kid React to Allowance? all ages allowance spend save invest donate starter tips

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

So you think you know how your kid is going to react to a brand new income stream? Feeling pretty confident you know how they'll treat their...

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Scarcity vs. The Money Tree all ages allowance spend save invest donate starter tips

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

What’s the point of this whole allowance thing anyway? Whether you use one piggy bank slot, or the four celebrated here (spend, save, invest...

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Seeding Your First COR Day alec q&a allowance elementary-aged starter tips

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

Our member, Robbie S., asked a great question about all that money laying around his daughters' rooms. Do they use it as part of the first COR Day?...

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Allowance Isn't "Free Money" alec q&a all ages allowance chores starter tips

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

Our member, Lisa D., asked this great question about allowance. 

We imagine she's not the first... or the last... parent to wonder this exact...

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Creating Your Four-Slotted Piggy Bank allowance elementary-aged spend save invest donate starter tips

By Julie Frans, Chief Community Officer

Originally, when Alec first launched his family's Cents of Responsibility journey, it was called Money Monday. His family used the four slotted...

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