How Will Your Kid React to Allowance?

all ages allowance spend save invest donate starter tips

By Alec Lindenauer, Chief Allowance Officer

So you think you know how your kid is going to react to a brand new income stream? Feeling pretty confident you know how they'll treat their allowance? 

Get ready ... you might be surprised. I know I was. And I know William's dad was. 

That's William above ... The cute one who loves dogs. (IYKYK)

William's parents thought like most. They figured as soon as they introduced four piggy bank jars (Spend, Save, Invest and Donate), he'd stuff as much as possible in Spend, and go through it like a drunken sailor. 

Nope. He wants to help dogs more than anything else. 

And my kids? Well, my oldest split her allowance up in even fourths. Every time. For three years! That completely surprised me. 

And my youngest? She actually did stuff into Spend more than the other buckets. But, after watching her sister's interest accumulate in her Invest jar, she got super jealous! And since that fateful COR Day back in third grade, she's been a judicious saver and investor.

So if you haven't taken the plunge because of the fear that your kids might spend too much, consider this a challenge not to assume. After all, you know the saying. When you assume, you make an a...

Teach centsibly,

COR Chief Allowance Officer


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