Welcome to your on-the-go audio resource for coaching and support to raise your kids into money savvy, financially literate adults.
Episode Guide:

Financial Wisdom from The College Investor
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Set a Strong Financial Foundation by Hiring Your Kids (with Jamie Trull, Financial Literacy Coach & Profit Strategist)
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Teaching Kids Financial Literacy at Home and School: with FitMoney’s Jessica Pelletier
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Teaching Teens About Money: Emergency Cash & Digital Wallet Essentials
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The Psychology of Money: What You Really Need to Know to Teach Your Kids About Money
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Money Boss Mom: Financial Literacy, Invisible Money, and Kids (with Jamie Bosse) Â
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Teaching Kids About Money: Why Hands-On Experience is Key - with Ashley LeBaron-Black Â
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Trina Sargalski's Journey with COR: A Practical Guide to Experiential Money Lessons for Kids Â
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How to Teach Your Kids About Debt Â
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Alec Teaches Julie How To Introduce Investment Lessons To Her Son
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How A Children's Personal Finance Teacher Raises His Own Money Savvy Son, with guest Rob Phelan
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Slob Tax, Alternatives to Chore-Based Allowance, and More with COR Parent Nora Ellish
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New COR Parent Robbie Singer Joins Alec & Julie
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Alec & Julie Answer Facebook Questions, the 5-Day Allowance Challenge and more
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Alec & Julie Discuss COR Parent Questions, Challenges & Wins
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Introducing Julie Frans, COR's Chief Community Officer
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Introducing Alec Lindenauer, COR's Chief Allowance Officer
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The How To Teach Your Kids About Money Podcast from Cents of Responsibility is a mix of insight from Alec Lindenauer, COR’s Chief Allowance Officer, and Julie Frans, COR’s Chief Community Officer. Together, they provide insight into how-to instructions to help parents work with their children in a practical manner, and how those methods are really being utilized by parents.
It’s a place where they discuss how much allowance to give your kids, when to start allowance, how to have beginner investing conversations, lemonade stands, financial literacy, and much more.
All of this comes from a core belief that you, the parent or caregiver, is the single best person to teach your child about money. Only you can provide the regular practice a child needs to truly become money savvy. We know this is a difficult ask for some parents. That’s why we’re here to help!
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